Admission criteria

Bearing in mind that the recommended profile for admission is that of a university graduate with sufficient knowledge of (a) foreign language(s), as well as of translation and scientific methods, the Academic Committee of the programme will decide on admission on the basis of the following criteria

  • The candidate's letter of motivation.
  • Endorsement of the thesis supervisor(s) proposed by the candidate using the corresponding form (access to the document).
  • In the case of proposed co-directors who do not belong neither to the University of Valladolid nor to the University of Alicante (external to the programme):  a report on the suitability of the proposed co-director. In order to justify this requirement, it is also necessary to provide,if applicable, the document of supervision with recognized six-year research periods (access to the document) or without recognized six-year research periods (access to the document).
  • Academic record.
  • Assessment of knowledge of other foreign languages.
  • Assessment of the skills acquired to understand the translation process.
  • Assessment of the ability to undertake and carry out scientific work.